Lembaga Lada Malaysia
The Malaysian Pepper Board (MPB) is a Federal Statutory Body under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities Malaysia and established under the Malaysian Pepper Board Act 2006 on 1 January 2007.
The MPB headquarters located in Kuching, Sarawak, has two Regional Offices namely in Johor Bahru and Kota Kinabalu while nine Branch Offices are located in Sarawak.MPB plays a role in the development of the pepper industry in the field of research, increasing production and pepper development.
The MPB headquarters located in Kuching, Sarawak, has two Regional Offices namely in Johor Bahru and Kota Kinabalu while nine Branch Offices are located in Sarawak.MPB plays a role in the development of the pepper industry in the field of research, increasing production and pepper development.
Location: Sabah & Sarawak
Web: http://www.mpb.gov.my/mpb2/index.php/my/
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