Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu (KADA)
Completed on 30 March 1972 through Act 69, Kemubu Agricultural Board Act, 1972 and officially launched by Y.A.B. Tun Hj. Abdul Razak bin Hussein, Prime Minister of Malaysia on 2 March 1973.
After the establishment of KADA, the Kelantan State Government followed the action by passing the Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority Enactment, 1972 (Enactment no.2 of 1972 Kelantan) to enable the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries to implement the Kemubu Agricultural Development Authority Act, 1972 from 1 August 1972.
Location: Kelantan
Web: www.kada.gov.my
Lembaga Kemajuan Pertanian Kemubu
Peti Surat 127, Jalan Dato’ Lundang 15710 Kota Bharu, Kelantan
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