Teluk Intan town is surrounded by the Sungai Perak River and Bidor River. The city is the largest city in southern Perak compared to Kampar, Tapah, Hutan Melintang and Bagan Datoh.
Although outside the South-South Expressway, the city of Teluk Intan continues to grow and develop rapidly.
Although outside the South-South Expressway, the city of Teluk Intan continues to grow and develop rapidly.
Location: Teluk Intan
Web: www.mpti.gov.my
Address: Majlis Perbandaran Teluk Intan,Jalan Speedy, 36000 Teluk Intan, Perak
-------- > 4 JOBS AVAILABLE <----------
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Due Date:- 14/2/2019
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