Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) was established by the Government of Malaysia on February 16, 2002. UMP was set up as a competency -based technical university which specializes in the fields of engineering and technology. As for research, UMP focuses on applied research and industrial projects to enrich the teaching and learning processes as well as to promote the commercialization of research products.
Location: Pekan,Pahang
Web: http://www.ump.gov.my/
Universiti Malaysia Pahang
26600 Pekan,
Pahang Darul Makmur
-------- > 5 JOBS AVAILABLE <----------
Pensyarah DS45/DS51/52/DS53/54/VK7/VK6/VK5
Guru Bahasa DG41
Due Date:- 26/6/2020
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